


    期刊論文 研討會論文 專利 專書 政府計畫案 非政府組織計畫案


    Liu, Y.C., Peng ,B.R., Hsu, K.C., El-shazly, M., Shih, S.P., Lin, T., Kuo, F.W., Chou, Y.C., Lin, H.Y., & Lu M.C. (2020). 13-Acetoxysarcocrassolide Exhibits Cytotoxic Activity against Oral Cancer Cells through the Interruption of the Keap1/Nrf2/p62/SQSTM1 Pathway: The Need to Move Beyond Classical Concepts. Marine Drugs, 18(8), 382

    Lin, C., Thongpoo, P., Juri, C., Wang, L. H., Meng, P. J., Kuo, F. W., & Tsai, S.(2019). Cryopreservation of a thermotolerant lineage of the coral reef dinoflagellate Symbiodinium. Biopreservation and Biobanking, 17(6), 520-529.

    Lin, C., Chong, G., Wang, L. H., Kuo, F. W., & Tsai, S. (2019).Use of luminometry and flow cytometry for evaluating the effects of cryoprotectants in the gorgonian coral endosymbiont Symbiodinium.Phycological Research, 67(4), 320-326.

    Lin, Y.S., Lui, H.K., Lee, J., Chen, C.T.A., Burr, G.S., Chou, W.C., & Kuo, F.W. (2019). Fates of vent CO2 and its impact on carbonate chemistry in the shallow-water hydrothermal field offshore Kueishantao Islet, NE Taiwan. Marine Chemistry,210, 1-12, doi.org/10.1016/j.marchem.2019.02.002

    He, T., Tsui, M.M.P., Tan, C.J., Ng, K.Y., Guo, F.W., Wang, L.H., Chen, T.H., Fan,T.Y., Lam, P.K.S., & Murphy, M. B. (2019). Comparative toxicities of four benzophenone ultraviolet filters to two life stages of two coral species. Science of the Total Environment, 651, 2391-2399.

    Wang, S.L., Chen, C.T.A., Huang, T.H., Tseng, H.C., Lui, H.K., Peng, T.R., Kandasamy, S., Zhang J., Yang, L., Gao, X., Lou, J.Y., Kuo, F.W., Chen, X.G., Ye, Y., & Lin, Y.J. (2018). Submarine Groundwater Discharge helps making nearshore waters heterotrophic. Scientific reports,8(1), 1-10.

    Ko, F.C., Pan, W.L., Cheng, J.O., Chen, T.H., Kuo, F.W., Kao, S.J., Chang, C.W., Ho H.C., Wang W.H., & Fang, L. S. (2018). Persistent organic pollutants in Antarctic notothenioid fish and invertebrates associated with trophic levels. PloS one, 13(4), e0194147.

    Zheng, X.Q., Kuo, F.W., Pan, K., Huang, H., & Lin, R.C. (2018). Different calcification responses of two hermatypic corals to CO 2-driven ocean acidification.Environmental Science and Pollution Research,1-7.

    Fan, T.Y., Hsieh Y.C., Lin, K.H., Kuo, F.W., Soong, K., McRae C.J., Edmunds, P.J., Fang, L.S.(2017). Plasticity in lunar timing of larval release of two brooding pocilloporid corals in an internal tide-induced upwelling reef. Marine Ecology Progress Series,569, 117-127.

    Chong, G., Kuo, F. W., Tsai, S., & Lin, C.(2017). Validation of reference genes for cryopreservation studies with the gorgonian coral endosymbiont Symbiodinium. Scientific Reports, 7, 39396.

    Yang, L., Zhuang, W. E., Chen, C. T. A., Wang, B. J., & Kuo, F. W. (2017). Unveiling the transformation and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter in contrasting hydrothermal vents using fluorescence EEM-PARAFAC. Water research, 111, 195-203.

    Kuo, F. W., Fan, T. Y., Ka-Yan Ng, C., Cai, Y., Balazs, G. H., & Li, T. H. (2017).Tale of the unlucky tags: the story of a rescued, rehabilitated, and released green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) in southern Taiwan. Bulletin of Marine Science,93(3), 689-690.

    Kuo, C. Y., Fan, T. Y., Li, H. H., Lin, C. W., Liu, L. L., & Kuo, F. W. (2015). An unusual bloom of the tunicate, Pyrosoma atlanticum, in southern Taiwan. Bulletin of Marine Science,91, 363-364.

    Tsai, S., Thongpooe, P., Kuo, F. W., & Lin, C. (2015). Impacts of low temperature preservation on mitochondrial DNA copy number in oocytes of the hard coral Echinopora sp. Mitochondrial DNA Part A, 27(4), 2512-2515.

    Kuo, F. W., Kuo, C. Y., Fan, T. Y., Liu, M. C., & Chen, C. A. (2015). Hidden ecosystem function of rabbitfishes? Siganus fuscescens feeds on the soft coral, Sarcophyton sp. Coral Reefs, 34(1), 57.

    Lin, C., Kuo, F. W., Chavanich, S., & Viyakarn, V. (2014). Membrane lipid phase transition behavior of oocytes from three gorgonian corals in relation to chilling injury. PloS one, 9(3), e92812.

    Su, J. H., Chang, W. B., Chen, H. M., El-Shazly, M., Du, Y. C., Kung, T. H., Chen, Y.C., Sung, P.J., Ho, Y.S., Kuo, F.W.,& Lu, M. C. (2012). 10-acetylirciformonin B, a sponge furanoterpenoid, induces DNA damage and apoptosis in leukemia cells. Molecules, 17(10), 11839-11848.

    Chen, Y. H., Kuo, J., Sung, P. J., Chang, Y. C., Lu, M. C., Wong, T. Y., Liu, J.K., Weng,C.F., Twan, W.H., & Kuo, F. W. (2012). Isolation of marine bacteria with antimicrobial activities from cultured and field-collected soft corals.World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 28(12), 3269-3279.

    Lin, C., Wang, L. H., Fan, T. Y., & Kuo, F. W. (2012). Lipid content and composition during the oocyte development of two gorgonian coral species in relation to low temperature preservation. PloS one, 7(7), e38689.

    Lin, C., Zhang, T., Kuo, F. W., & Tsai, S. (2011).Gorgonian coral (Junceella juncea and Junceella fragilis) oocyte chilling sensitivity in the context of adenosine triphosphate response (ATP). Cryoletters, 32(2), 141-148.

    Tsai, S., Spikings, E., Kuo, F. W., Lin, N. C., & Lin, C. (2010). Use of an adenosine triphosphate assay, and simultaneous staining with fluorescein diacetate and propidium iodide, to evaluate the effects of cryoprotectants on hard coral (Echinopora spp.) oocytes. Theriogenology,73(5), 605-611.

    Sung, P. J., Pai, C. H., Su, Y. D., Hwang, T. L., Kuo, F. W., Fan, T. Y., & Li, J. J. (2008).New 8-hydroxybriarane diterpenoids from the gorgonians Junceella juncea and Junceella fragilis (Ellisellidae). Tetrahedron, 64(19), 4224-4232.

    Fan, T. Y., Lin, K. H., Kuo, F. W., Soong, K., Liu, L. L., & Fang, L. S. (2006).Diel patterns of larval release by five brooding scleractinian corals. Marine Ecology Progress Series,321, 133-142.

    Chen, C. T. A., Zeng, Z., Kuo, F. W., Yang, T. F., Wang, B. J., & Tu, Y. Y. (2005). Tide-influenced acidic hydrothermal system offshore NE Taiwan. Chemical Geology,224(1), 69-81.

    Chen, C.T.A., Wang, B., Huang, J.F., LOU, J.Y., Kuo, F.W., TU, Y.Y., & Tsai, H.S. (2005).Investigation into extremely acidic hydrothermal fluids off Kueishan Tao, Taiwan, China. Acta oceanologica sinica, 24(1), 125-133.

    Yang, L.; Zhuang, W. E.; Chen, C. T. A.; Wang, B. J.; Kuo, F. W. (2017) Unveiling the transformation and bioavailability of dissolved organic matter in contrasting hydrothermal vents using fluorescence EEM-PARAFAC. Water Research. 111, 195-203.

    Kuo, F.W.; Fan, T.Y.; Ng, C.J.Y.; Cai,Y.; Balazs, G.H.; Li, T.H. (2017) Tale of the unlucky tags: the story of a rescued, rehabilitated, and released green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) in southern Taiwan. Bulletin of Marine Science. 93(3), 689-690.

    Fan, T.Y.; Hsieh, Y.C.; Lin, K.H.; Kuo, F.W.; Soong, K.; McRae, C.J.; Edmunds, P.J.; Fang, L.S. (2017) Plasticity in lunar timing of larval release of two brooding pocilloporid corals in an internal tide-induced upwelling reef. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 569: 117-127.

    Chong, G.; Kuo, F. W.; Tsai, S.; Lin, C. (2017) Validation of reference genes for cryopreservation studies with the gorgonian coral endosymbiont Symbiodinium. Scientific Reports. 7, 39396.