


    期刊論文 研討會論文 專利 專書 政府計畫案 非政府組織計畫案


    Whuang, D.Y.; Zheng, L.G.; Xu, J.H.; Huang, P.C.; Sung, P.J.* Studies on the chemical constituents from the Formosan soft coral Nephthea columnaris. 2017臺灣珊瑚礁學會. (2017) Taipei, Taiwan.

    Chen, Y.H.; Lu, M.C.; Weng, C.F.; Su, J.H.; Kuo, J.; Sung, P.J.* Bafilomycin M, a new bafilomycin and bafilomycin analogues produced by a Streptomyces sp. isolated from a marine sponge Theonella sp. 2017臺灣珊瑚礁學會. (2017) Taipei, Taiwan.

    Peng, B.R.; Chou, Y.C.; Liao, Z.J.; Su, Y.D.; Lu, M.C.; Sung, P.J.; Su, J.H. Cytotoxic diterpenoids from the cultured soft coral Lobophytum crassum. 2017臺灣珊瑚礁學會. (2017) Taipei, Taiwan.

    Su, Y.D.; Peng, B.R.; Lin, Y.M.; Li, Z.Y.; Sung, P.J.* New anti-inflammatory briarane diterpenoids from a Formosan octocoral Briareum sp. (Briareidae). 2017臺灣珊瑚礁學會. (2017) Taipei, Taiwan.

    Chen, Y.H.; Lu, M.C.; Weng, C.F.; Su, J.H.; Kuo, J.; Sung, P.J.* Bafilomycin M, a new bafilomycin and bafilomycin analogues produced by a Streptomyces sp. isolated from a marine sponge Theonella sp. 2017 Symposium on Chemistry for Creative Economy (2017) Hsinchu, Taiwan.

    Peng, B.R.; Chou, Y.C.; Liao, Z.J.; Su, Y.D.; Lu, M.C.; Sung, P.J.; Su, J.H. Cytotoxic diterpenoids from the cultured soft coral Lobophytum crassum. 2017 Symposium on Chemistry for Creative Economy (2017) Hsinchu, Taiwan.

    Whuang, T.Y.; Sung, P.J.* Chemical constituents from the Formosan octocoral Nephthea columnaris. 第七屆海峽兩岸珊瑚礁研討會. (2017) Pingtung, Taiwan.

    Su, Y.D.; Hwang, T.L.; Wen, Z.H.; Sung, P.J.* Briarenols C–E, new polyoxygenated briaranes from the octocoral Briareum excavatum. 第七屆海峽兩岸珊瑚礁研討會. (2017) Pingtung, Taiwan.

    Su, Y.D.; Hwang, T.L.; Wen, Z.H.; Sheu, J.H.; Sung, P.J.* Briarenols B–E, new polyoxygenated briaranes from the octocoral Briareum excavatum. The 32th International Symposium on Natural Products (第32屆國際天然藥物研討會). (2017) Taichung, Taiwan.

    Chen, Y.H.; Su, Y.D.; Yao, J.W.; Lu, M.C.; Weng, C.F.; Kuo, J.; Sung, P.J.* 2017. Bafilomycins M–O, new cytotoxic bafilomycin analogues produced by Streptomyces sp. GIC10-1 isolated from a marine sponge Theonella sp. The 32th International Symposium on Natural Products (第32屆國際天然藥物研討會). (2017) Taichung, Taiwan.

    Huang, P.C.; Sung, P.J.* Briaviodiol B, a new cembranolide from the cultured-type soft coral Briareum violacea. The 32th International Symposium on Natural Products (第32屆國際天然藥物研討會). (2017) Taichung, Taiwan.

    Xu, J.H.; Sung, P.J.*; Su, Y.D. Four new briarane-type diterpenoids from the cultured octocoral Briareum violacea. The 32th International Symposium on Natural Products (第32屆國際天然藥物研討會). (2017) Taichung, Taiwan.

    Peng, B.R.; Su, Y.D.; Lin, F.Y.; Duh, C.Y.*; Sung, P.J.* Briarane-type diterpenoids from the sea slugs Phyllodesmium briareum. The 32th International Symposium on Natural Products (第32屆國際天然藥物研討會). (2017) Taichung, Taiwan.

    Liao, Z.J.; Su, J.H.; Yang, Y.L.; Duh, C.Y.*; Sung, P.J.* Analysis of (–)-sarcophytoxide in cutltured soft coral Sarcophyton tenuispiculatum by MALDI-TOF MS. The 32th International Symposium on Natural Products (第32屆國際天然藥物研討會). (2017) Taichung, Taiwan.

    Zheng, L.G.; Zhang, Z.J.; Su, Y.D.; Peng, B.R.; Sung, P.J.* Studies on the chemical constituents from the Formosan soft coral Paralemnalia thyrosides. The 32th International Symposium on Natural Products (第32屆國際天然藥物研討會). (2017) Taichung, Taiwan.

    Chen, Y.H.; Sung, P.J.* New bafilomycins produced by a Streptomyces sp. isolated from a marine sponge Theonella sp. The 137th Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan. 日本 仙台 宋秉鈞 (2017) Sendai, Japan.

    Chen, Y.H.; Huang, P.C.; Lu, M.C.; Weng, C.F.; Su, J.H.; Kuo, J.; Sung, P.J.* New bafilomycins produced by a Streptomyces sp. isolated from a marine sponge Theonella sp. 17th Asian Chemical Congress & 19th General Assembly of FACS. (2017) Melbourne, Australia .

    Zhi-Jun Zhang, Tsong-Long Hwang,*, and Ping-Jyun Sung*NEW ANTIINFLAMMATORY SECOEUNICELLINS FROM OCTOCORAL CLADIELLA SP. XVI MaNaPro & XI ECMNP(2019)Portugal Peniche

    Chieh-Yu Lee, You-Ying Chen, Zhi-Hong Wen*, Ping-Jyun Sung*Fragilides M-O, New 2,9,14-Triacetoxybriaranes from Junceella fragilis XVI MaNaPro & XI ECMNP(2019)Portugalpeniche

    Zhang, Y.-L.; Yeh, Y.-T.; Zeng, J.-S.; Sung, P.-J.*Briarenols M–T: briaranes from a cultured octocoral Briareum stechei (Kükenthal, 1908).第35屆天然藥物研討會(2020)台灣台北醫學大學

    Chen, Y.-H.; Chen, Y.-Y.; Huang, P.-C.; Zheng, L.-G.; Sung, P.-J.*Indole alkaloids produced by Pseudovibrio sp. P81 isolated from a marine sponge Aaptos sp. 第35屆天然藥物研討會(2020)台灣台北醫學大學

    Peng, B.-R.; Lai, K.-H.; Chen, Y.-Y.; Sung, P.-J.*Sponge-derived 24-homoscalaranes as potent anti-inflammatory agents.第35屆天然藥物研討會(2020)台灣台北醫學大學

    Huynh, T.-H.; Chen, L.-Y.; Sung, P.-J.*Bioactive compounds from the octocoral Briareum excavatum and their structure-activity relationship study. 第35屆天然藥物研討會(2020)台灣台北醫學大學

    Bo-Rong Peng; Chang-Yih Duh; Ping-Jyun Sung.New Scalarane-Type Sesterterpenoids from Marine sponge Lendenfeldia sp.XVI MaNaPro & XI ECMNP(2019)Portugal Peniche

    Peng, B.-R.; Lai, K.-H.; Chen, Y.-Y.; Sung, P.-J.*Sponge-derived 24-homoscalaranes as potent anti-inflammatory agents.2021化學年會(2021)台灣國立中央大學

    Zhang, Y.-L.; Sung, P.-J.*Briarenols M–T: briaranes from a cultured octocoral Briareum stechei (Kükenthal, 1908)2021化學年會(2021)台灣國立中央大學

    Chen, Y.-Y.; Zhang, Y.-L; Peng, B.-R.; Wen, Z.-H.; Sung, P.-J.*Briarenols W-Z: Chlorine-Containing Polyoxygenated Briaranes from Octocoral Briareum stechei (Kükenthal,1908)2021化學年會(2021)台灣國立中央大學

    Huynh, T.-H.; Phan, G.-H.; Sung, P.-J.*New polyoxygenated briarane diterpenoids isolated from an octocoral Briareum stechei (Briareidae) (Kükenthal, 1908)2021化學年會(2021)台灣國立中央大學

    Yeh, Y.-T.; Zeng, J.-S.; Sung, P.-J.*New Cembranoid-type diterpenoid from Soft Coral Lobophytum crassum2021化學年會(2021)台灣國立中央大學

    Zheng, L.-G.; Peng, B.-R.; Sung, P.-J.*Lendenfeldaranes K-U, New 24-Homoscalaranes from Marine Sponge Lendenfeldia sp.2021化學年會(2021)台灣國立中央大學