


    期刊論文 研討會論文 專利 專書 政府計畫案 非政府組織計畫案


    Kuo, J.*; Chen, K.T.; Lu, M.C.; Sung, P.J.; Lin, C.H.; Huang Y.S. (2023). Screening of marine Actinomycetia with bioactive metabolites from marine sediments in southwestern Taiwan. Biologia. (Accepted)

    Hong, G.-K.; Kuo, J.; Tew, K.S. (2023). Iron fertilization can enhance the mass production of copepod, Pseudodiaptomus annandalei, for Fish Aquaculture. Life. 13: 529.

    Kuo, J.; Liu, D.; Lin, C.-H.* (2023). Functional prediction of microbial communities in sediment microbial fuel cells. Bioengineering (Basel). 10: 199.

    Tseng, H.J.; Chien, S.Y.; Wen, Z.H.; Kuo, J.; Fang, L.S.; Wu, Y.C.; Wu, T.Y.*; Sung, P.J.* (2022). (1R, 7R,8R,11R,12R)-7,8:11,12- Bisepoxycem-brene A: a novel cembranoid from octocoral Sinularia sp. Tetrahedron Letters. 90: 153628.

    Kuo, J.; Liu, D.; Wang, S.H.; Lin, C.H.* (2021). Dynamic changes in soil microbial communities with glucose enrichment in sediment microbial fuel cells. Indian Journal of Microbiology. 61: 497–505.

    Liu, D.; Kuo, J.; Wang, S.H.; Puah, K.M.; Lin, C.H.* (2021) Comparative microbial communities of anode associated soils in sediment microbial fuel cells of rice field and drainage ditch soils. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. 31: 179–188.

    Tew, K.S.*; Kuo, J.; Cheng, J.O.; Ko, F.-C.; Meng, P.J.; Anderson, B.M.; Liu, P.J.* (2021) Impacts of seagrass on benthic microalgae and phytoplankton communities in an experimentally warmed coral reef mesocosm. Frontiers in Marine Science. DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.679683.

    Kuo, J.; Chen, C.Y.; Han, C.C.; Ju, Y.M.; Tew, K.S.* (2021) Analyses of diet preference of larval orange-spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) grown under inorganic fertilization method using next-generation sequencing. Aquaculture. 521: 735916.

    Kuo, J.*; Yang, Y.T.; Lu, M.C.; Wong, T.Y.; Sung, P.J.; Huang, Y.S. (2019) Antimicrobial activity and diversity of bacteria associated with Taiwanese marine sponge Theonella swinhoei. Annals of Microbiology. 69: 253-265.

    Kuo, J.; Wang, Y.W.; Chen, M.; Fuh, G.; Lin, C.H.* (2018) The effect of paclobutrazol on soil bacterial composition across three consecutive flowering stages of mung bean. Folia Microbiologica. 64: 197-205.

    Chen, Y.H.; Yang, J.C.; Lu, M.C.; Weng, C.F.; Su, Y.D.; Kuo, J.; Wu, Y.C.*; Sung, P.J.* (2017) Bafilomycins N and O, novel cytotoxic bafilomycin analogues produced by Streptomyces sp. GIC10-1 isolated from marine sponge Theonella sp. Tetrahedron. 73: 5170-5175.

    Chen, Y.H.; Chen, W.F.; Yang, J.C.; Lu, M.C.; Kuo, J.; Su, J.H.; Weng, C.F.; Wu, Y.C.*; Sung, P.J.* (2017) Pseudoalteromone C: a novel ubichromenol derivative from bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. CGH2XX isolated from the cultured-type octocoral Lobophytum crassum. Natural Product Communications. 12: 1615-1617.

    Lin, C.H.; Chuang, C.H.; Twan, W.H.; Chiou, S.F.; Wong, T.Y.; Liu, J.K.; Kao, C.Y.; Kuo, J.* (2016). Seasonal changes in bacterial communities associated with healthy and diseased Porites coral in southern Taiwan. Canadian Journal of Microbiology. 62, 1021-1033.

    Wong, T.Y.; Kuo, J. (2016). A new drug design strategy-killing drug resistant bacteria by deactivating their hypothetical genes. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C: Environmental Carcinogenesis and Ecotoxicology Reviews. 34, 276-192.

    Chen, Y.H.; Lu, M.C.; Chung, H.M.; Weng, C.F.; Su, J.H.; Yang, Y.T.; Su, Y.D.; Chang, Y.C.; Kuo, J.*; Wu, Y.C.*; Sung, P.J.* (2016) Bafilomycin M, a new cytotoxic bafilomycin produced by a Streptomyces sp. isolated from a marine sponge Theonella sp. Tetrahedron Letters. 57: 4863-4865.

    Lee, H.Y.; Wong, T.Y.; Kuo, J.; Liu, J.K. (2014). The effect of Mn(II) on the autoinducing growth inhibition factor in Deinococcus radiodurans. Preparative Biochemistry & Biotechnology. 44: 645-652.

    Tew, K.S.; Kao, Y.C.; Ko, F.C.; Kuo, J.; Meng, P.J.; Liu, P.J.; Glover, D.C. (2014). Effects of elevated CO2 and temperature on the growth, elemental composition, and cell size of two marine diatoms: potential implications of global climate change. Hydrobiologia. 741: 79-87.

    Kuo, J.; Tew, K.S.; Ye, Y.X.; Cheng, J.O.; Meng, P.J.; Glover, D.C. (2014). Picoplankton dynamics and picoeukaryote diversity in a hyper-eutrophic subtropical lagoon. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A. Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering. 49: 116-124.

    Yang, S.C.; Sung, P.J.; Lin, C.F.; Kuo, J.; Chen, C.Y.; Hwang, T.L. (2014) Anti-inflammatory effects of secondary metabolites of marine Pseudomonas sp. in human neutrophils are through inhibiting P38 MAPK, JNK, and calcium pathways. Plos One. 9: e113761.

    Yang, S.C.; Lin, C.F.; Chang, W.Y.; Kuo, J.; Huang, Y.T.; Chung, P.J.; Hwang, T.L. (2013). Bioactive secondary metabolites of a marine Bacillus sp. inhibit superoxide generation and elastase release in human neutrophils by blocking formyl peptide receptor 1. Molecules. 18: 6455-6468.

    Sablok, G.; Wu, X.; Kuo, J.; Nayak, K.C.; Baev, V.; Varotto, C.; Zhou, F. (2013). Combinational effect of mutational bias and translational selection for translation efficiency in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) cv. Micro-Tom. Genomics. 101: 290-295.

    Sablok, G.*; Sanchez-Paz, A.*; Wu, X.; Ranjan, J.; Kuo, J.; Bulla, I. (2012). Genome dynamics in three different geographical isolates of white spot syndrome virus (WSSV). Archives of Virology. 157: 2357-2362.

    Chen, Y.H.; Kuo, J.*; Sung, P.J.; Chang, Y.C.; Lu, M.C.; Wong, T.Y.; Liu, J.K.; Weng, C.F.; Twan, W.H.; Kuo, F.W. (2012). Isolation of marine bacteria with antimicrobial activities from cultured and field-collected soft corals. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology. 28: 3269-3279.

    Leu, M.Y.*; Meng, P.J.; Tew, K.S.; Kuo, J.; Hung, C.C. (2012). Spawning and development of larvae and juveniles of the Indian Ocean oriental sweetlips, Plectorhinchus vittatus (Linnaeus, 1758), in the aquarium. Journal of the World Aquaculture Society. 43: 595-606.

    Chen, Y.H.; Kuo, J.; Su, J.H.; Hwang, T.L.; Chen, Y.H.; Lee, C.H.; Weng, C.F.; Sung, P.J. (2012). Pseudoalteromone B: A novel 15C compound from a marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. CGH2XX. Marine Drugs. 10: 1566-1571.

    Wang, Y.P.; Tew, K.S.*; Kuo, J.; Ko, F.C.; Meng, P.J. (2012). The effect of coral polyp sizes and coral exudates on picoeukaryote dynamics in a controlled environment. Scientia Marina. DOI: 10.3989/scimar.03405.02A.

    Xu, L.; Kuo, J.; Liu, J.K.; Wong, T.Y.* (2012). Bacterial phylogenetic tree construction based on genomic translation stop signals. Microbial Informatics and Experimentation. 2:6.

    Perez-Quintero A.L.; Sablok, G.; Tatarinova, T.V.; Conesa, A.; Kuo, J.; Lopez, C. (2012) Mining of miRNAs and potential targets from gene oriented clusters of transcripts sequences of the anti-malarial plant, Artemisia annua. Biotechnology Letters. 34: 737-745.

    Chen, Y.H.; Lu, M.C.; Chang, Y.C.; Hwang, T.L.; Wang, W.H.; Weng, C.F.; Kuo, J.*; Sung, P.J.* (2012) Pseudoalteromone A: A novel bioactive ubiquinone from a marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. CGH2XX (Pseudoalteromonadaceae). Tetrahedron Letters. 53: 1675-1677.

    Wu, Y.C.; Su, J.H.; Chou, T.T.; Cheng, Y.P.; Weng, C.F.; Lee, C.H.; Fang, L.S.; Wang, W.H.; Li, J.J.; Lu, M.C.; Kuo, J.; Sheu, J.H.; Sung, P.J.* (2011) Natural Product Chemistry of Gorgonian Corals of Genus Junceella—Part II. Marine Drugs. 9: 2773-2792.

    Hsiao, Y.Y.; Lin, C.H.; Liu, J.K.; Wong, T.Y.; Kuo, J.* (2010) Analysis of codon usage patterns in toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense through expressed sequence tag data. Comparative and Functional Genomics. DOI: 10.1155/2010/138538.

    Sung, P.J.; Li, G.Y.; Su, Y.D.; Lin, M.R.; Chang, Y.C.; Kung, T.H.; Lin, C.S.; Chen, Y.H.; Su, J.H.; Lu, M.C.; Kuo, J.; Weng, C.F.; Hwang, T.L. (2010) Excavatoids O and P, new 12-hydroxdybriaranes from the octocoral Briareum excavatum. Marine Drugs. 8: 2639-2646.

    Lin, C.H.; Kuo, J.*; Wang, T.W.; Chen, M.; Lin, C.H. (2010) Bacterial diversity in paclobutrazol applied agricultural soils. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 45: 710-717.

    Tew, K.S.; Meng, P.J.; Lee, H.J.; Ye, Y.X.; Kuo, J.; Fang, L.S.; Chou, W.R. (2010) Dynamics of phytoplankton and picoplankton over a tidal cycle in a subtropical lagoon. Chinese Science Bulletin. 55: 2522-2528.

    Leu, M.Y.; Meng, P.J.; Huang, C.S.; Tew, K.S.; Kuo, J.; Liou, C.H. (2010) Spawning behaviour, early development and first feeding of the bluestriped angelfish [Chaetodontoplus septentrionalis (Temminck & Schlegel, 1844)] in captivity. Aquaculture Research. 41: e39-e52.

    Chiou, S.F.; Kuo, J.; Wong, T.Y.; Fan, T.Y.; Tew, K.S.; Liu, J.K. (2010) Analysis of the coral associated bacterial community structures in healthy and diseased corals from off-shore of southern Taiwan. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 45: 408-415.

    Kuo, J.; Liang, Z.C.; Lin, C.H. (2010) Suppression subtractive hybridization identifies genes correlated to symbiotic and aposymbiotic sea anemone associated with dinoflagellate. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 388: 11-19.

    Lin, C.H.; Tew, K.S.; Liu, J.K.; Chang, W.B.; Wong, T.Y.; Kuo, J.* (2009) Studies on sequence pattern around the stop codons in marine pico-cyanobacterium Synechococcus. Platax. 6: 83-92.

    Kuo, J.; Fang, L.S.; Lin, C.H. (2009) Characterization of the 5'-flanking regions of the sea anemone ADP ribosylation factor 1 and actin genes. Comparative biochemistry and physiology B, Comparative biochemistry. 152: 317-323.

    Chang, W.B.; Huang, C.H.; Cheng, S.H.; Kuo, J. (2008) Fatty acid composition of copepods fed with different diets. Platax. 5: 23-37.

    Tew, K.S.; Chang, W.B.; Lin, C.H.; Liu, J.K.; Yeh, C.H.; Kuo, J.* (2008) Synonymous codon usage in marine pico-cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. WH8102. Platax. 5: 1-13.

    Wong, T.Y.; Fernandes, S.; Sankhon, N.; Leong, P.P.; Kuo, J.; Liu, J.K. (2008) Role of premature stop codons in bacterial evolution. Journal of Bacteriology. 190: 6718-6725.

    Kuo, J.; Lin, H.P.; Liu, J.K. (2007) Characterization of phototrophic puple non-sulfur bacteria isolated from eutrophic lake in Taiwan. Platax. 4: 39-47.

    Sung, P.J.; Tsai, W.T.; Chiang, M.Y.; Su, Y.M.; Kuo, J. (2007) Robustolides A–C, three new briarane-type diterpenoids from the female gorgonian coral Ellisella robusta (Ellisellidae). Tetrahedron. 63: 7582-7588.

    Sung, P.J.; Chuang, L.F.; Fan, T.Y.; Chou, H.N.; Kuo, J.; Fang, L.S.; Wang, W.H. (2007) Rumphellolide G, a new caryophyllane-type tetrahydropyran norsesquiterpenoid from the gorgonian Rumphella antipathies (Gorgoniidae). Chemistry Letters. 36: 1322-1323.

    Kuo, J.; Chen, S.H. (2007) Analytical investigation in Brownian diffusion of airborne particles with slip/no-slip interfaces. Aerosol and Air Quality Research. 7: 252-278.

    Sung, P.J.; Chuang, L.F.; Kuo, J.; Fan, T.Y.; Hu, W.P. (2007) Rumphellatin A, the first chloride-containing caryophyllane-type norsesquiterpenoid from Rumphella antipathies. Tetrahedron Letters. 48: 3987-3989.

    Sung, P.J.; Chuang, L.F.; Kuo, J.; Chen, J.J.; Fan, T.Y.; Li, J.J.; Fang, L.S.; Wang, W.H. (2007) Rumphellolides A–F, six new caryophyllane-related derivatives from the formosan gorgonian coral Rumphella antipathies. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 55: 1296-1301.

    Kuo, J.; Chen, M.C.; Lin, C.H. ; Fang, L.S. (2004). Comparative gene expression in the symbiotic and aposymbiotic Aiptasia pulchella by expressed sequence tag analysis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 318: 176-186.

    Tai, S.K., Lin, H.P.P.; Kuo, J.; Liu, J.K. (2004). Isolation and characterization of a cellulolytic Geobacillus thermoleovorans T4 strain from sugar refinery wastewater. Extremophiles. 8: 345-349.

    Chang, C.S.; Tsai, S.W; Kuo, J. (1999). Lipase-catalyzed dynamic resolution of Naproxen 2,2,2-trifluoroethyl thioester by hydrolysis in isooctane. Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 64: 120-126.

    Kuo, J.; Keh, H.J. (1999). Motion of a colloidal particle coated with a layer of adsorbed polymers normal to a plane wall. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 210: 296-308.

    Berezhkovskii, A.M.; Ziterman, V.Yu.; Yang, D.Y.; Kuo, J.; Lin, S.H. (1998). Activated rate processes in many dimensions. Energy diffusion under slow adjustment of the nonreactive mode. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 251: 399-429.

    Makhnovskii, Y.A.; Berezhkovskii, A.M.; Sheu, S.Y.; Yang, D.Y.; Kuo, J.; Lin, S.H. (1998). Stochastic gating influence on the kinetics of diffusion-limited reactions. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 108: 971-983.

    Chan, E.C.; Kuo, J. (1997). Biotransformation of dicarboxylic acid by immobilized Cryptoccus cells. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 20: 585-589.

    Keh, H.J.; Kuo, J. (1997). Motion of a colloidal particle coated with a layer of adsorbed polymers in a spherical cavity. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 185: 411-423.

    Keh, H.J.; Kuo, J. (1997). Effect of adsorbed polymers on the slow motion of an assemblage of spherical particles relative to a fluid. Colloid and Polymer Science. 275: 661-671.

    Kuo, J.; Keh, H.J. (1997). Effects of Adsorbed Polymers on the Axisymmetric Motion of Two Colloidal Spheres. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 195: 353-367.

    Berezhkovskii, A.M.; Ziterman, V.Yu.; Sheu, V.Yu; Yang, D.Y.; Kuo, J.; Lin, S.H. (1997). Kramers' theory of chemical reactions under slow adjustment of the environment. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 107: 10539.

    Keh, H.J.; Horng, K.D.; Kuo, J. (1991) Boundary effects on electrophoresis of colloidal cylinders. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 231: 211-228.

    Chan, E.C.; Kuo, J.; Lin, H.P.; Mou, D.G. (1991) Stimulation of n-alkane conversion to dicarboxylic acid by organic-solvent and detergent-treated microbes. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 34: 772-777.