


    期刊論文 研討會論文 專利 專書 政府計畫案 非政府組織計畫案


    Ju, Y.M.; Lin, H.D.; Hsu, K.C.; Wu, J.H. Genetic population structure of Rhinogobius giurinus. Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems. (2016)

    Chiang, T.Y.; Kuo, J.; Chang, W.B.; Ju, Y.M. De Novo Transcriptome Analysis for Copepod (Apocyclips royi and Acartia bilobata). International Symposium on Evolutionary Genomics and Bioinformatics. (2015)

    Chiang, T.Y.; Kuo, J.; Chang, W.B.; Ju, Y.M. De Novo Transcriptome Analysis for Copepod (Apocyclops royi). The 6th International Symposium for Marine Biology and Biothchnology. (2015)

    Ju, Y.M.; Hsu, C.H.; Fang, L.S.; Lin, H.D.; Wu, J.H.; Han, C.C.; Chen, I.S.; Chiang, T.Y. Mitochondrical sequence differention of Sicyopterus japonicus in Taiwan. 台灣水產學會學術論文發表摘要集. (2011)

    Ju, Y.M.; Li, J.J.; Hsiao, C.M.; Chang, C.W. Study on molecular phylogeny and morphology of the fairy shrimp in the Siaolanyu Island, SE Taiwan. The 7th International Large Brachiopods Symposium and Workshop. (2011)

    Ju, Y.M.; Hsiao, C.M.; Li, J.J.; Chang, C.W. Molecular phylogenetic study of the fairy shrimp in the SiaolanyuIsland. 台灣水產學會學術論文發表會論文摘要集. (2010)

    何宣慶、Smith, D.G.、王劭頤、邵廣昭、朱育民、張至維 國立海洋生物博物館典藏東海大學轉移之魚類標本目錄 (II) 鰻形目。 台灣水產學會學術論文發表會論文摘要集。 (2010)

    Chen, H.K.; Chang, Y.C.; Ju, Y.M.; Hsiao, Y.Y. The genetic regulation of RuBisCO in the symbiotic dinoflagellate Symbiodinium from Sea Anemon (Aiptasia pulchella). The Omics in Ocean-The 2nd International Symposium for Marine Biotechnology. (2009)

    Chen, C.Y.; Chem, H.K.; Ju, Y.M.; Hsiao, Y.Y. Characterization of fluorescence granules in Symbiodinium sp. from seaanemone (Aiptasia pulchella). The Omics in Ocean-The 2nd International Symposium for Marine Biotechnology. (2009)