
Research Faculty

    Antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in sea turtles


    Aquariology (Aquarium Science)

    Biodiversity, evolution, and biogeography of the marineinvertebrates.

    Cellular and Molecular Biology of Coral-Dinoflagellates Endosymbiosis

    Coral cryo-bank

    Coral cryopreservation

    Coral Reef Species Breeding and Aquaculture

    Curriculum transformation and design from the research of National Museum of Marine and Aquarium

    Deep-sea biology with focus on evolution and colonization of deep-sea chemosynthetic environment

    Environmental Sciences and Aquarium Animal Research

    Freshwater Species Breeding and Aquaculture

    Inquiry and Practice Based Curriculum Design

    Integration of Ecological Conservation and Education of Coral Reefs

    Marine Biodiversity

    Marine Natural Products

    Marine relating Curriculum design

    mesophotic coral reefs

    Reef Fish Restoration and Conservation

    Sea turtle fibropapillomatosis

    Study of the Bioactive Substances of Octocorals from the offshore southwestern Taiwan.

    Study of the bioactive substances of sponges and sponge-associated microorganisms from the offshore

    Taxonomy of marine gastropods.