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    SCI Journal Papers

    吳曜如2019/07從古畫進行生物科探究學習活動故宮文物月刊436, 36-43(Non-SCI)第一作者

    Wu Yao-Ju, Hsu Mao-Ting, Ng Ming-Chong, Amstislavskaya Tamara G., Tikhonova Maria A., Yang Yi-Ling, and Lu Kwok-Tung2017/08Fragile X Mental Retardation-1 Knockout Zebrafish Shows Precocious Development in Social Behavior.Zebrafish 斑馬魚14(5): 438-443(SCI)第一作者

    Yao-Ju Wu, Yu-Lan Chen, Tso-Hao Tang, Ming-Chong Ng, Tamara G. Amstislavskaya, Maria A. Tikhonova, Yi-Ling Yang & Kwok-Tung Lu 2017/07Unilateral stimulation of the lateral division of the dorsal telencephalon induces synaptic plasticity in the bilateral medial division of zebrafish Scientific Reports 科學報導 7(1):9096(SCI)第一作者