
Research Faculty

    Yu-Min Ju
    • Name

      Yu-Min Ju

    • Department

      Department of Biology

    • Email


    • Contact

      886-8-8825001 #8002

    • Educational Backgroud

      Ph.D. Department of Life Sciences, National Cheng Kung University

    • Publication

      SCI Journal PapersConference PapersPatentBooksGovernment ProjectsNGO Projects

    • Research Expertise

      1. Phylogeography of species

      2. Molecular evolution

      3. Ecological genomics

      4. Speciation and population

      5. Phylogenomics

    • Research Subject

      1. Transcriptome analysis of copepod by NGS

      2. Phylogeography of fish

      3. Population structure

      4. Molecular evolution

      5. Ecological genomics