
Research Faculty

    Hsin Lee
    • Name

      Hsin Lee

    • Department

      Department of Planning and Research

    • Email


    • Contact

      (08)882-5001#1393 or (08)882-5046

    • Educational Backgroud

      Ph.D. of Biological Sciences (joint degree) (2017)

      – Institut de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité, Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France

      – Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

      Master of Science in Oceanography (2010)

      – Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

      Bachelor of Agriculture Science (2008)

      – Department of Horticulture, division of Biotechnology, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

    • Publication

      SCI Journal PapersConference PapersPatentBooksGovernment ProjectsNGO Projects

    • Experience

      Asistant Researcher, Department of Planning and Research, National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium (2021,2-)

      Assistant Professor (joint appointment), National Sun Yat-sen University, Department of Marine Biotechnology and Resources, Taiwan (2022,8-)

      Adjunct Assistant Professor, National Taiwan University, Institute of Oceanography, Taiwan (2023,8-)

      Postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Oceanography, National Taiwan University, Taiwan (2018,8-2021,1)

      Postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University, Taiwan (2017,10-2018,7)

    • Research Expertise

      1.Biodiversity, evolution, and biogeography of the marine invertebrates.

      2.Deep-sea biology with focus on evolution and colonization of deep-sea chemosynthetic environment associating organisms.

      3.Taxonomy of marine gastropods.

      4.Molecular oceanography with focus on biodiversity investigation and ecological assessment based on the study of environment DNA (eDNA).

      5.Application of Next-Generation Sequencing in phylogenomics.

    • Research Subject

      Biodiversity exploration and evolution of gastropods and echinoderms in the Indo-West Pacific.