This exhibit simulates the feeling of SCUBA diving in southern Taiwan with large expanses of coral and the sense of waves breaking overhead. There are busy schools of fish and eels swimming back and forth among the cracks of the reef.
This displays the colorful fish, invertebrates and corals of South Bay, one of Taiwan's most precious and beautiful marine ecosystems.
Fish comprise the most biologically diverse vertebrate lineage with around 28,000 species. In this section, visitors are encouraged to explore the world of fish with interactive displays and audio-visual media. There are four themes;motion, senses, feeding strategies and survival techniques.
These transparent and soft jellyfish consist of more than 90% water. They move by contracting the velum along their umbrellas, though they are often at the mercy of the sea’s currents and tides, which can carry them thousands of kilometers over a lifetime.
This massive aquarium, the largest in Taiwan, houses among the largest creatures ever kept in captivity, including a 16-m whale shark, 13 2.4-m dolphins, and 3 sailfish. It also contains a plethora of other marine inhabitants, both large and small.
Fish can be seen swimming back and fourth through a circular window. The light reflects their shadows and encourages people to ponder the importance of the oceans, ideally instilling in them a desire to protect them.